Monday, August 20, 2012

3 Months

Dearest Readers,

Yesterday marked 3 months since DJ & I were married. And what a wonderful 3 months it has been! I am so blessed to have DJ in my life. Although we have already had some pretty gnarly trials so far, (Broken A/C in July, car problems, ER visits...) and I am sure we will have many more in the years to come, I am happy that we will always go through it together, and that is what makes it all worth it in the end.

Lately we've been working with our photographer, and hopefully we will be able to add some wedding pictures to our blog after we get the copyright. I also can't wait to hang up our wedding photos in our apartment! The other thing we need to work on? My name change! But I've been so busy filling out other paperwork we haven't quite got that done yet. There is a LOT of writing to do after a wedding. Between thank you notes and forms, not to mention the book I'm writing, I do my fair share of writing in a day!

But nevertheless, I wanted to do a little more writing today just to quickly tell DJ how much I love him. I never thought I would be so lucky as to fall in love and marry my best friend. But, I did! And I am grateful for that each and every day. I wouldn't want to go through this life with anyone else. Thanks for making life a little sweeter, a little easier, and a whole heck of a lot more fun.

I love you always

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Our Best 2 Years


Dearest Readers,

It's right about this time of year when DJ and I start missing Snow College in the small town of Ephraim, Utah. It was here, among the turkey farms and small town life where DJ and I met and fell in love. We will always remember the football games, parades, dances, Walmart, the Manti Temple, the campus, Lynn Poulson & his backyard pirate ship, and the lifelong friends we made. We are Badgers through and through, and always will be.


Friday, August 10, 2012

Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho It's Off To Work We Go

Dearest Readers,

We live in a difficult economic time. And I have certainly felt that this past year as I have struggled to find work. I have spruced up my resume, applied to hundreds of jobs, and waited. Many jobs I ended up being offered were far away (like an amazing offer I had to be a full time nanny in Lehi) and it was just to expensive to make the drive there and back everyday. So, I am still on the hunt, and waiting to hear back on several Special Education jobs in the Nebo school distict.
My dream job is to work at Taylor Elementary in Payson, Utah which is right next to my husbands work. It's a great school, and I'd love to be involved with the Special Education program there. I even applied for a volunteer position at the school.
And now, I'm just playing the waiting game! While I wait unemployed, I look for ways I can make some money. I babysit, clean, coupon to save on groceries, and use some money from my savings to help out each month. And for fun, I work on my novel. That's right! I'm writing a novel, and I have been for a while now. There is no guarantee it will get published, but I'm hoping it will one day become more than a story on my computer, and handwritten pages in a binder.
I also take care of the home. I do all the cooking and cleaning in the apartment so when DJ gets home, he comes home to a clean, beautiful place with a big hot meal on the table.
Even still, I often get lonely, and frustrated that I can't find work, but then I remember that marriage isn't supposed to be easy. And life certainly isn't easy, and never has been. And it's times like this one that can bring DJ and I closer together. 
Hopefully, something will turn up soon, and I have faith that it will. I have put faith in Heavenly Father and trust that he will help me along. And until then, I am more than grateful for DJ's job at Masterwall. DJ works at a warehouse in Payson, making stucco. His company is wonderful, and has been very good for us. I am glad that my husband has such an amazing job. It's not the most glamourous, but it pays the bills, and its a rewarding job to have.
Only time will tell if DJ will stay at his company, or return to school and get his degree in Communications. But for right now, DJ is doing well and moving up in the company. And with some hard work, I'll become a teacher in a few years, and land my dream job. But until then, we will work hard and save up for our future, which will hopefully be a bright and happy one.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Dearest Readers,

Here is a list of 110 date ideas that DJ and I thought of one night for our FHE activity. Our goal is to do 1 date a week. They are mostly for the Provo/Orem area, but you can always tweak them to work for you! Hope you enjoy, and please feel free to comment and share your own date ideas, we would love to hear from you.
Happy dating! 

____=Driving involved
Italicize= Seasonal Ideas
  1. Get dressed up and go out to eat at a fancy restaurant
  2. Do a 1,000 piece puzzle and order or make a pizza
  3. Go to the BYU museum of art. Then make something artistic of your own
  4. Build something out of cardboard boxes
  5. Take a trip to Ephraim, Utah
  6. Go to an Orem Owls Game
  7. Build a blanket fort. Play games & eat dinner in the fort
  8. Go to the Hogel Zoo
  9. Make Italian food, listen to Italian music, light candles, and watch a movie
  10. Go to a Utah Blaze Game
  11. Taylor's choice dinner & a movie
  12. DJ's choice dinner & a movie
  13. Go to the Kennecott Copper Mine
  14. Go to Park City & eat at the Mexican restaurant. Go on a hike
  15. Go to a BYU game
  16. Have a “Cake Boss” cake challenge
  17. Go to This Is The Place State Park
  18. Play touch football or capture the flag with friends
  19. Order Chinese & play board games
  20. Go Swimming (indoor in the cold, outside in the summer)
  21. Have a picnic, (get Jamba Juice) & and then play soccer
  22. Watch the movie “The Princess Diaries” then throw darts at paint-filled balloons
  23. Go to a REAL Salt Lake soccer game
  24. Watch the movie “Tangled” while making lanterns, and then go fly them
  25. Go to a BYU basketball game (get cupcakes at Cupcake Cafe after)
  26. Make homemade play-dough and have a flour fight
  27. Go to the Living Planet Aquarium after watching “Finding Nemo” or “The Little Mermaid” Then go out for sea food
  28. Go to a BEE's baseball game
  29. Go to BYU's museum of Paleontology (
  30. Go to a BYU soccer game
  31. Make and sail a pirate ship after watching the movie “Pirates Of The Caribbean”
  32. Go to a Jazz game
  33. Paint a picture of each other, blindfolded. Then go play basketball at the Apartment
  34. Go to a hockey game
  35. Go roast marshmallows and Starbursts and read your scriptures in the mountains
  36. Go on a weekend camping trip
  37. Stay at a hotel overnight or make your own “B&B”
  38. Go do temple work, try to get to all the temples in Utah
  39. Go see the lights at temple square
  40. Go sledding & Make snow angels
  41. Go ice skating & make paper snowflakes
  42. Make a snowman & have a snowball fight
  43. Make cookies & write a letter for Santa
  44. Make a gingerbread house together
  45. Set up the Christmas tree. Listen to each others favorite Christmas music
  46. Make a homemade ornament for every year you are married, depicting a big event that happened that year (i.e. 2012- Got married)
  47. Go to a live nativity
  48. Make hot chocolate & watch classic Christmas movies
  49. Go caroling
  50. Do 10+ hrs of volunteer work
  51. Throw a Christmas party
  52. Throw a New Years EVE Party
  53. Grow a garden + make garden rocks
  54. Go on an Easter Egg Hunt
  55. Dye Easter Eggs
  56. Spring Clean Together
  57. Have a BBQ
  58. Go Boating
  59. Go see the fireworks, light sparklers, make a 4th of July treat
  60. Go to a water park (7 Peaks)
  61. Have a water balloon + water gun fight
  62. Go on a hike at Bridal Veil Falls, or hike the "Y"
  63. Make homemade ice cream
  64. Go to Lagoon
  65. Go to the 4th or 24th of July Parade
  66. Go to the mountains & have a picnic
  67. Make a leaf collage
  68. Rake & jump in a pile of leaves
  69. Go to a corn maze
  70. Make homemade caramel apples
  71. Go get doughnuts and bob for apples
  72. Throw a Halloween Party
  73. Get costumes at the DI or make a costume for Halloween
  74. Carve pumpkins
  75. Go on a hay ride
  76. Have a Harry Potter movie marathon + HP weekend (Go to the London or World Market to collect British treats to eat/drink during the movie. Have a British accent, and enjoy “tea”. Listen to the rain, read Harry Potter, watch British movies)
  77. Have an IKEA day
  78. Go to a concert
  79. Go to the Ballet
  80. Make a home movie
  81. Go to a drive-in movie
  82. Go to a dollar movie
  83. Go to a play at a college or elementary school
  84. Play laser tag
  85. Go to a place that has bounce houses
  86. Make pottery
  87. Go fishing
  88. Go Bowling (Try doing it different ways, like blindfolded or backwards)
  89. Go on a bike ride and get ice cream
  90. Teach each other a skill (DJ teaches about cars, or how to fix things, Taylor: How to cook, do laundry)
  91. Go mini- golfing
  92. Make a kite, and go fly it at a park. Roll down the hills & have a picnic
  93. Go to Trafalga or a nicklecade and play arcade games
  94. Go to the Dinosaur museum @ Thanksgiving Point  
    (Every Tuesday in August, all activities at Thanksgiving Point are $2)
  95. Go to the Clark Planetarium (& Go star gazing)
  96. Go the Provo or Orem library and get some new books. Read them together
  97. Make treats for the firemen & visit a firehouse. Go to the Fire Fighter Museum
  98. Go to the Pizza Pie Cafe, then go (window) shopping. 
  99. Go to the church history museum 
    100. Go to the Eccles Community Art Center 
    101. Go to the Ft. Douglas War Museum 
    102. Go to the Pioneer memorial museum or the Donner Reed Museum 
    103. Take a tour of the Utah State Capital 
    104. Go to the Hill Air Force Base Museum 
    105. Go to the Farmers Market 
    106. Go to Silver Lake & have a picnic, go on the board walk 
    107. Go to the International Peace Gardens 
    108. Go to the Batting Cages 
    109. Go to Walmart and play the ABC-race game (each gets a shopping cart and fills it with 1 item from every letter of the alphabet. The first one to complete the task, wins)
    110. Go shooting or learn to use a bow & arrow

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Things you (probably) didn't know about Taylor

Taylor and I have only been married for a short time; almost three months to be exact. But I have learned so much about her in that short amount of time. I thought that I knew more about her when we became husband and wife. But I have learned many more things, and I will share five little fun facts with you. Most of which you didn't even know.

1. Taylor loves to go swimming. If I didn't know better, I'd swear she was part mermaid. She LOVES to swim, and she will go for hours on end. Looking back on when we started dating, Taylor would always suggest for our group of friends to go swimming. And going to our local pool was always a fun date for the both of us.

2. Taylor is a comedian. Without getting to know her, she will come off as a very soft spoken, sweet, partly shy girl; which for the most part she is. But what you probably don't realize is that she actually is quite hilarious. She always has a funny remark, hilarious facial expression, and can always lighten any mood. And if for some reason she isn't cracking jokes, get her a Jamba Juice and she will start right up (Story for another time).

3. Taylor loves to be organized. So much so, I tend to tease her for having OCD and being a hoarder (which she is not). I never have to worry about anything being out of place, or anything not neatly stacked in a very organized way. Because Taylor's very witty, and crafty mind goes right to work. And our beautiful home stays just that, beautiful.

4. Taylor loves to sing. And she can sing very, very well. Now to some this may be more obvious than to others. But my wife is a very good singer. She started off young as a little kid singing in her families home. (Her cousins the Osmond's must have rubbed off on her) She later was involved in choir in High School, and was even given the opportunity to perform in New York City. Every so often Taylor will bust out some amazing solo of a song stuck in her head. Taylor has brought such a great spirit into our home with her great ability to sing. Which works out great, seeing as I couldn't hit a note to save my life.

5. Taylor loves everyone like they are her best friend. If you were to describe someone as being devoted, sweet, kind, affectionate, and care deeply care about others, you would describe my wife. She is kind to everyone, and I mean EVERYONE she meets. Taylor has grown a deep love for people who aren't considered "perfect", or "normal". She is an amazing caregiver to those types of people. And that has made her the most compassionate and caring person I have met.

I have learned so much from Taylor over the last few months. And I like to pretend she has learned a little bit of it from me. She is the most amazing person in the world, and I am very fortunate and grateful that I have the opportunity to be around such a great and amazing woman.

Things You (Probably) Didn't know about DJ

Dearest Readers,
DJ and I have known each other for a little over 3 years now. Which can either seem like an eternity or a blink of an eye, depending on the day. Now, most days I feel like I've known DJ my whole life. But in reality, I haven't.
I learn new things about my husband everyday. And here are some of the things I've learned about him so far:
1. DJ's full name is *Donald James. I didn't know this until about 6 months after I met him. It never occurred to me that "DJ" was short for something. I still remember asking him if it was and he said yes, and he had me guess what his first name was. I went through all the names I could think of that started with "D". But it wasn't Daniel, Derik, Dylan...finally he gave me a hint, that it was a name of a Disney character. Oh, and yes, I thought he was joking at first.
(*Donald) boy's name. pronounced DAHN-ald. It is of Scottish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Donald is "great chief; world mighty". Donald is one of the clan names of  Scotland. Linked nowadays to the cartoon duck created by Disney, real estate tycoon Donald Trump; & singer Donny Osmond.

2. DJ LOVES sports. They have helped him get through a lot of tough times in his life. He plays fantasy football (and rocks, by the way) as well as having a devotion to ESPN. The list of sports that he enjoys includes, but is not limited to: basketball, baseball, football, soccer, tennis, volleyball, golf... and so on. DJ also takes great pride in passing down his love for sports, and is a devoted basketball coach. I have no doubt that if we have sons, DJ will be the kind of dad who is out with them teaching them how to throw a ball, coaching their teams, and no doubt our house will play host to MANY sporting events on TV.

3. DJ has a love for music. When we were at college, he had a radio show, (I used to listen everynight, and one night he asked me on a date over the radio, and I called in to say yes... pretty cute, huh?) He loves classic rock bands, Linkin Park, TSO, and the list goes on. He even plays a little guitar himself.

4. DJ is pretty tall (6'4) and pretty lean. But man, that kid can eat! In college, DJ didn't have a lot of leftover money for food. So he would often go hungry. But  I was a little more fortunate, working two jobs, and also having my mom set me up with some of her own pantry food. So, long story short, I would feed DJ whenever I saw him (My motherly instincts kicked in I suppose). And he wasn't picky, and even though I'm better at cooking now- he still isn't picky. DJ's favorite foods include: pizza, and pasta (most notably Fettuccine Alfredo)

5. DJ is a hard worker, and a great friend and husband. I knew this the moment I met him, but everyday I am reminded of it in some way or another. I am blessed beyond measure to know him. He works a full time job, and still comes home to be the best husband he can be. He is compassionate, caring, and wonderful, and makes me want to be a better person. He hasn't had an easy life, but he takes what he is given and goes with it.

And there you have it. I look forward to getting to know DJ more each day we are together, and growing even more in love with this incredible man that I am blessed to call my husband.

Monday, August 6, 2012

July 2012

Dearest Readers,

 Here are some pictures of the adventures we had in the month of July. 

The Zoo

WICKED! (This was my Christmas 2011 present from DJ)

24th of July Parade in Salt Lake City, Utah

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Dearest readers,
Having a place to call home is a blessing, and we are certainly blessed here at the Mein household. Here are some pictures of our beautiful apartment.

Our Kitchen

The Pantry

The Guest Bedroom

Our Bedroom

The Living Room

DJ's Wedding Day Story

I remember our wedding day like it was yesterday. And it started off horrible for me. I could not catch an hour of sleep to save my life the night before, so I was more than exhausted due to my lack of sleep and also an increase in nervousness and excitement.
I remember as I was getting ready at about 5 AM that I noticed water on the floor of my bathroom. Which alone sounds very odd and out of place for such a story. But I remember looking at it, and being very puzzled as to why it was there. I came to the realization that the bottom of my toilet bowl was leaking. Out of any day, hour, or moment, it picked my wedding day.
So to start the day I pulled out the tools I received as a birthday gift from Tay's dad, and began the process of trying to fix the leak. It didn't work, out of severe lack of sleep I just shut it off and decided to deal with after the honeymoon. Again, may seem out of place for this story. But it was a sign to me that today was a day where I had to choose to not let the little things get in my way of being happy. 
After the morning incident I finished packing and getting everything together. Multiple times. I feared forgetting something, and today was a day I knew I couldn't forget anything. The time finally came, and I got in the car and drove up to Salt lake to pick up my clothes from Taylor's house.
I wasn't allowed to see my bride before we were sealed together. So as I arrived to Taylor's house I was greeted by Rhiannon, who handed me my things and sent me on my way.
This led to me deciding to try and find a store or somewhere where I could change. I couldn't really think of any seeing as I am still somewhat new to the area of Sandy. So I ended up taking the strangest route to the Salt Lake temple I could ever imagine. In fact I could not redo the route I took if I tried.
Anyways, I finally got to the temple and decided to park below the Joseph Smith Memorial Building where our Luncheon was to be held after the wedding. I then got my things together and made my way for the temple entrance. Come to find out (and this is a great lesson for all of you non married men) Girls take a very long time to get ready. And the words "on time" actually means "when I show up".
I waited, and waited, and then called to no avail. Finally my bride arrived and we checked in. We were really doing this, we were about to be married. After my nerves had calmed that was I was being left by a runaway bride (crazy thoughts happen as you wait, and wait, and wait.)
We were escorted into the temple where we were happily married. It's not appropriate to mention the sacredness of the temple ceremonies, but just know, it went great. And yes, I did screw up the kiss your bride part (story for another day). 
After the wedding was over we did the ritual of taking pictures. I am not one who finds enjoyment in picture taking. But as I learned that very morning, I had to choose to not let the little things get in my way. So I forced myself in finding some enjoyment, and it actually turned out to be not nearly as bad as I thought. Although, the same can not be said for my bride Taylor, (who had shoe & dress malfunctions)
The picture time came and eventually went.
And it was time that I had been most nervous about, the luncheon. The luncheon was a thorn in my side for a very long time to get set up just right. And I had feared of how it would turn out. There was the issue of the food, where people would be sitting, and oh yeah, I was the center of attention on the head table. The food and people turned out to be just fine with no issues to speak of.
Now if you don't know who I am. This next part will mean nothing to you, but I found to courage within me (just like my drive here, I have no idea how I found it) and I stood up to give my wedding speech, and I was more shocked that I was making words that made sense, let alone that they were still coming out in English due to my heightened nervousness. I got out what needed to be said, and then sat down. 
I did it with a smile on my face and I somehow lived to tell the tale. 
The night moved forward and the reception time arrived. It was a standard little reception, but it was very much the best I could of imagined it. The receiving line was not as bad as predicted. And the food that was served was divine. But my worst fear was before me, dancing.
I. Don't. Dance. Period. But somehow, I managed to find a way to dance that didn't result in a broken toe or needing to have a hip replacement.
 Maybe it was the fact I was exhausted for the long day, maybe it was the fact that I was being watched by many, many people. Or maybe (and I think its this one) it is because I was able to stare in to the eyes of my beautiful wife, and I knew the little things like dancing didn't matter, and I just let go of all my fear, and I danced, and have an amazing time.
The reception wrapped up pretty soon after I smeared my wife with cake. And I mean smeared ( I still am finding pieces in her hair). And we left with a bang through a line of sparklers into a recently vandalized car. Off to enjoy the sights of Southern California. 
My wedding day was not even close to being the biggest, the loudest, or the most expensive. But I got more out of it than I deserved. I got a bunch of great new family members, amazing wedding gifts, and most important, a beautiful wife who loves me for who I am.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Taylor's Wedding Day Story

Dearest readers,
Every "Happily Ever After" has a beginning...
And ours officially started on May 19, 2012 when we were married in the Salt Lake City Temple forever & always. It was a beautiful, perfect day. But it went by so fast, we decided we wanted to make a post about it so we could always remember our beginning, especially the little details.
So, as always, ladies first....
The night before the wedding, I had been sent to bed early by my bridesmaids, but I was having a hard time sleeping. So I watched Chandler & Monica's Wedding from the TV show FRIENDS, which is a show that DJ and I both love and watch together.
I finally fell asleep, and before I knew it, it was clear blue outside, and the sun plus birds chirpping outside my window woke me up.
I jumped out of bed and ran upstairs screaming "It's my wedding day!" To noone in particular. I had some cereal with my little brother, and then my good friend Ashley arrived to do my makeup. 1 hour, 4 shades of eyeshadow, and 2 different waterproof mascaras later: I was finished. Ashley left to go help the other bridesmaids with their makeup, and my mom did my hair (half up with a braid across the top).
I changed into my church clothes (Black skirt, white lacy top.. pretty simple!) and then my best friend, Rhiannon, came to pick my mom & I up for the temple. I grabbed my temple bag and dresses, and headed out the door.
The drive to the temple with my best friend and mom was a wonderful one. We talked and laughed, and it certainly calmed my nerves. We found a parking spot, and went inside the temple. I can't go into detail about the temple (as it is sacred) but I will say that there is nothing to compare it with. It was beautiful. Kneeling across the alter from DJ I felt at home, and at peace like never before.
Meeting DJ after I had changed into my dress and before we made our "grand exit" was like a scene from a romantic movie. I peered around the corner, and there he was. I approached him and we hugged. He kissed the top of my head and we just looked at each other, smiling. After, we climbed the stairs, met with the photographer, and then opened the doors and walked outside.
From this moment on, everything was a blur. We did pictures for a few hours, then walked across the street to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building where we had our luncheon. It was breathtaking. White tablecloths with gold napkins, fancy china, with the building overlooking the temple below. We had delicious food (soups, salads, and New York Style Cheesecake) and made our wedding speeches.
After the luncheon, everyone went to freshen up and get ready for the reception.
The reception was beautiful. For the first hour, DJ and I greeted guests, then we cut the cake, (DJ shoved it in my face, and all over my face!) and we danced.
With the couple dance, the sparkling lights above our heads and the candles on the tables added to the romantic effect as DJ and I danced to our song "With Or Without You", by U2. It was amazing.
After our sparkler exit, we drove off for our honeymoon, (not before stopping to get a burger, we were starving) and there you go!
Here are some of the details about the wedding:
Date: (Saturday) May 19, 2012: A beautiful day outside, with clear blue skies.
Colors: White, Baby Blue

Brides Dress: White a-line ballgown with a lacy top, no beading, cap sleeves, and simple blue sash (that I wore off and on)
Flowers: White roses, peonies, lilies, and babies breath
Bridesmaids/Flower Girls: (Rhiannon, Rachel, Ashley, Hallie, Caitlin, McKenzie, Allison, Annie, Jacey, Kira)
Groomsmen: (Jeramy, Ryan, Trevor, Ely, Jaden, Eric, Quinton)
Wedding Venue: Salt Lake Temple, Luncheon: JSM Building, Reception: Stake Center
The wedding didn't go without flaws, but to me, it was perfect because I married my true love...And that's the best part of the story.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Pilot

Dearest Reader,

Hello, and welcome to our blog!
Our story starts when DJ and I met in 2009 at Snow College. It was moving day and I needed help setting up my laptop. And as fate would have it, who should help me but my future husband? It wasn't "exactly" love at first sight, but we knew in the least that we were going to be great friends.
And...we were right! After a year of friendship, we would go on to date, (A whirlwind of hikes, bowling, swimming, movies, dinners passed by...) and on Valentine's day of 2010, DJ asked me to marry him, and of course I said yes!
And finally, on May 19, 2012- we "sealed" the deal. Haha... Just a little LDS humor for ya!
DJ and I were married in the Salt Lake Temple. It was a perfect day, and an amazing start to our new lives together.
Now we live in Orem, I'm  planning on continuing my education at UVU where I hope to graduate with a degree in Special Education, while meanwhile I'm searching for a school job to gain some experience. DJ is working full time in Payson, and we are both loving the married life- and we wanted to cherish and remember each moment so this was our solution. Our hope is to be able to look back on this during later years and laugh at our haircuts and make fun of each other (No, not really) our hope is to remember the love we shared and the moments that make us who we are. We hope you enjoy reading!

With love,

The Meins