Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Mein's New Year Resolution's (Tay)


1. My husband is a basketball coach for a 7th grade team in Spanish Fork.
He did the same thing last year, but I didn't go to any of his games because I'm not a big fan of sports. But this year, I wanted to do more to support DJ in what he loves.
So my resolution is to make it to all of my husbands games, every Saturday, no excuses.
I also want to make a priority to do more things that my husband enjoys. Watching sports with him, going to games, etc...My first game was last Saturday, and it was actually a lot of fun. I love watching the kids interact with DJ. Coach is going to make a great dad one day :)

2. I want to become a healthier me. I want to eat healthier, do more physical activities, get a good amount of sleep, drink more water, relax, do some yoga and take some time off from the pressures that surround me. And in turn, I hope to shed a few pounds, be happier, and have more energy. I've assigned DJ to help me in my health endeavor by coming with me on jogs/hikes, taking me to go swimming, to the gym, and also to fill my i-pod with music to listen to along the way.

3. I want to work on my spiritual side. I want to sit down with DJ and read our scriptures together every night, and kneel in prayer together often. I want to make Sacrament more enjoyable for DJ as I know that he has a hard time sitting through the meetings. I also want to be able to make the temple a priority as well. My end goal is to gain a closer relationship to my Heavenly Father and to my husband in turn.

4. I want to get a job! I've been having a hard time with my job hunt, and more than anything I just want to work. My dream job is working in a school, specially in a Special Ed classroom as an assistant teacher. And I'm going to fight for my chance to do just that in 2013.

5. I want to do just enjoy life and be happier :) I want to make life more fun and exciting!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Whole New Year

Dearest  Readers,

It's been quite some time since I've been on this blog! But rest assured, DJ and I are both still here!
There has been a lot happening in our young married lives, and I regret not keeping better track of it all, because although it's pretty hard now, one day we might be able to look back on it all and laugh.

The past few months have been going by really fast. In October, we through a Halloween party with friends, made caramel apples, watched Halloween movies, even went "trick-or-treating", but we didn't get to go to a corn maze. Darn! But that's okay because I'm making sure that's the first thing we do October 2013. Overall, we had an amazing month together.

However, on the 31rst right before our party, I got a phone call that my cousin Jesse had passed away following a surgery. DJ was a sweetheart and took a day off work so we could make the trip to Price, Utah to be with my family for the funeral.
It was bittersweet, bitter because it was hard to say goodbye to my cousin, and sweet because I got to see faces I hadn't seen in a long time, like my cousins McKay and Evan, who almost didn't recognize me because the last time they saw me I was still a little girl.

Saying goodbye to Jesse was hard. And with his passing, I am once again reminded of just how precious life is.I remember giving DJ an extra long hug that night :)


In November, we spent Thanksgiving with mom & dad Whetton, the siblings, and Aunt Cathy & Uncle David. After weeks of  PB&J's and Ramen Noodles, it was nice to have a nice home-cooked meal, especially when it's my talented parents cooking it.

After Thanksgiving, preparations for Christmas soon began. We bought our very first Christmas tree, and mom & dad Whetton bought us our first ornaments. We also used some candy canes, and started a tradition of adding an ornament for each year we are married, with a theme of something that happened that year that we want to remember. So it seems fitting that we bought a wedding themed ornament. 
I had tried saving up to get DJ something REALLY special for Christmas, but every time I'd have the money, we would be a little short on groceries, gas money, laundry, and I'd use it.

In the end, I gave DJ a toy train set (he loves trains), a new bag of socks (his socks had become as a running joke in our house, "holy" and then came a gift that I made from the heart, a home-made gift.
Before I tell you what it was, I have to share a little back story- if you dont know how DJ and I got engaged, you should read about it in this blog. Short story- he used a notecard. So notecards have a pretty special meaning to us here. That being said, I'll just jump right in!

I first thought about the things DJ has told me he wants: a PS3, new car, a LazyBoy.
Then I found pictures of those things online, printed them out, and cut and pasted them on notecards. Then on the back, I made a promise to make sure he gets it sometime throughout our marriage. In total, there was 25 notecards. Then I wrapped them individually and placed them in a box.

New Years Eve we spent with DJ's family. We visited DJ's mom in the Health Center, and then went over to his Uncle's house where we had dinner, played games, and had a reenactment of Christ's birth. It was wonderful. I passed out CD's of our wedding pictures, and we got some gift-cards and lots of nice things.
When we got home, I finished the final touches on some gifts, and went to sleep (It was hard at first, because I was SO excited to have DJ open the gift I made him)

When the morning came, we found out that Santa had come to our apartment, and had eaten some of our cookies and left a note where he praised my ability to be an amazing wife and woman. (Santa has always been such a sweetheart) and then it came time to open gifts. DJ had a huge smile on his face as he tore open his gifts. It really made me feel wonderful, like I had a part in making him happy. Our stockings were filled with toothbrushes and oranges, and I was able to keep my cell phone as my gift from DJ (yes!!!)

After our morning at home, we headed off to the Whetton's for Christmas breakfast. Then we watched the kids open some of their presents (They are so cute!) I made the girls pink frames with a note inside that reads "Sisters make the perfect best friend" and for their birthdays this year, I'm going to write them letters for them to open on their 18th Birthdays, telling them how much I love them and giving them some sisterly advice, and so on. We gave Trevor a bow and arrow, and mom & dad a wedding CD and some Cadbury Chocolate bars. 

Mom, dad, and even Santa gave me: a Crockpot (I already had one but it was fairly small. This one will hold a roast big enough to feed us for a week!) and a rolling pin, which I didn't have and needed, so when I told my mom about it, she went and got me one. Do I not have the best parents in the world?

 DJ got a BYU license plate holder, and a HUGE BYU puzzle. They gave both of us a picture, and my siblings picked out and bought us two books with their own money, "The Help", and a book about planning baby showers :) haha


We stayed over that night, and in the morning we took my sisters back with us to stay a night at our apartment. It was wonderful having them over, they helped me make Spaghetti for dinner, and then we watched movies, played games, and painted nails. The next day we took them to a movie, and then my parents came to pick them up. It was so good to see my little sisters again, because they have always been such a big part of my life. And I will cherish the time that I was able to have with them here. 

Some not so great things that happened is our car which has been giving us a run for our money (literally) but in the end, it passed safety & emissions and I have no doubt that was because of our prayers. 
I'm glad that DJ and I were able to spend a lot of time together this Holiday season, and I look forward to more in the years to come. 

DJ still is working hard at Masterwall, and I am still searching for work, with no leads. It's been fairly frustrating! I've also been thinking of applying to some University's in the area, but I'm afraid of taking out more student loans without first knowing that I'll have a job.  

Other than that, you're pretty much all caught up on our lives. We hope 2013 will be a wonderful year for you and yours.

Until next time,

The Mein's