Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Mein's New Year Resolution's (Tay)


1. My husband is a basketball coach for a 7th grade team in Spanish Fork.
He did the same thing last year, but I didn't go to any of his games because I'm not a big fan of sports. But this year, I wanted to do more to support DJ in what he loves.
So my resolution is to make it to all of my husbands games, every Saturday, no excuses.
I also want to make a priority to do more things that my husband enjoys. Watching sports with him, going to games, etc...My first game was last Saturday, and it was actually a lot of fun. I love watching the kids interact with DJ. Coach is going to make a great dad one day :)

2. I want to become a healthier me. I want to eat healthier, do more physical activities, get a good amount of sleep, drink more water, relax, do some yoga and take some time off from the pressures that surround me. And in turn, I hope to shed a few pounds, be happier, and have more energy. I've assigned DJ to help me in my health endeavor by coming with me on jogs/hikes, taking me to go swimming, to the gym, and also to fill my i-pod with music to listen to along the way.

3. I want to work on my spiritual side. I want to sit down with DJ and read our scriptures together every night, and kneel in prayer together often. I want to make Sacrament more enjoyable for DJ as I know that he has a hard time sitting through the meetings. I also want to be able to make the temple a priority as well. My end goal is to gain a closer relationship to my Heavenly Father and to my husband in turn.

4. I want to get a job! I've been having a hard time with my job hunt, and more than anything I just want to work. My dream job is working in a school, specially in a Special Ed classroom as an assistant teacher. And I'm going to fight for my chance to do just that in 2013.

5. I want to do just enjoy life and be happier :) I want to make life more fun and exciting!!