Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Long Awaited Return

Dearest Readers,

Well, obviously I'm not the best at keeping up with blog posts! But no fear! We are alive and well! Just super busy... here are a few updates (That I can REMEMBER) for you to enjoy:

1. DJ's childhood dog- Cosmo- is missing! He was let out and didn't return home, and isn't at the pound. Not having many childhood pets before: (+1 for my fish Shady because it's not easy running away from a fish bowl!)  I'm just trying to do my best to relate to what he must be feeling. (There was one time that mom was cleaning Shady's bowl and he went down the garbage disposal for a second before being saved... so I did have a moment of sheer panic about a pet in that sense, but I digress) Many prayers have been said for his safe return and I just hope that he is alright.

2. I'm in shock that October is nearly over! I have to do a double-take at the calendar because I just don't believe it!
So far... DJ and I have completed this from our fall bucket list:

1. Made hot chocolate, snuggled, and watched movies (side note: The MOST important Halloween movie  is Hocus Pocus. If I DO NOT see it- it's NOT Halloween, period.)
2. Purchased our pumpkin. (Still waiting to carve it)

And this week we are going to complete:
1. Gardner Village
2. Caramel Apples
3. Cornmaze/Hayride
4. Our first Halloween Party
5. Making (Assembling) our costumes
6. Making our Halloween C.D.
7. Make (Buy, borrow from mom..) some Halloween decorations for our apartment (Thank goodness for my Hobby Lobby gift card and access to Pinterest so I can make some good ones!)

And next week:
1. Leaf art & playing in the leaves (Got to hurry before it snows!)
2. Nature Hike
3. Throw our own Halloween party

Overall, I'm feeling in the Halloween mood! (Poor DJ doesn't like Halloween so I'm trying to make it fun for him)

3. Sad news.... I got a call about the job I wanted. The positions (and most positions for that matter) are filled on the spot! The principal of the school says she gets TONS of applications from moms who have husbands that are out of work, and she likes to give them the upper hand. She said my resume looked good though, and told me to keep trying! (Sigh...) So I filled out an application to work at Alpine School District (This one is closer to us in Orem) and now I'm just waiting again!

4. To keep myself busy while unemployed, I: Do all the cleaning around the apartment, cook, write in my novel, do volunteer work, go to the temple, visit old friends, and to make a little extra money on the side I help clean and organize an amazing woman's home in Spanish Fork who has many health issues, AND I'm looking into starting a "business" on Etsy and selling Tutu's. I'll keep you posted- If I go through with it- I'd like to be open for business in December.

5. DJ and I hit the 5 month mark last week! It's hard to believe that next month we will have been married for 6 months! Geesh! Time goes by fast!

And there you have it, a little bit of updates from us.... Look forward to new posts because I'm going to try not to relapse! (oops)

Until next time,


Monday, October 8, 2012

The Case Of The Mondays

Dearest Readers,

This weekend was wonderful!
On Friday, we went to The Incredible Pizza Co. And then to the BYU game, where we pulled out a win 6 to 3 against the Utah State Aggies. I am really happy (And DJ even HAPPIER...) to be taking an interest in sports, and even enjoying and understanding the game. I can't say much for the other sports, but football is definitely my favorite.
On Saturday, we watched the first session of LDS General Conference where President Monson made a announcement about missionaries. Effective immediately- all worthy men can serve at 18 instead of 19- and women at 19 instead of 21. That is big news! The speakers and music touched my heart and left me feeling uplifted. After the first session, we headed up to Salt Lake to watch my brother Trevor's soccer game, and then watch the second half of conference with my family.
When conference was over, we watched my younger siblings while my parents went out for their 22nd wedding anniversary. I am so proud of my parents for setting an example of what marriage can be if you work hard at it, and not give up.
Returning home, we watched Sunday session together (After we made breakfast together) And then we went over to BYU housing and watched the second half with our friends the Mitchell's. They made us delicious homemade strawberry icecream! I was grateful that a few of the questions and concerns I had on my mind were discussed at conference, and that we were able to watch all the sessions together for the first time as a married couple.
For dinner, DJ and I made homemade pizza, and watched our TV show (Once Upon A Time) Together, and also some of The movie "The Best 2 Years" Which reminded me of all the talk of missionary work at conference. I am so happy to be friends with some amazing missionaries which I write often- Sister Allison Canova, Elder Ely Baker, and soon.... Sister McKenzie Cooper, Sister Lacey Palmer, and my cousin Elder Tanner Jacobsen. I am so proud of all these amazing young men and women who serve the Lord with all their heart, might, mind, and strength.
And there you have it, Our wonderful weekend, perfect in every way!
But of course, after the weekend comes the dreaded.... MONDAY.
Here are just a few problems we are confronted with today:

1. Both DJ and I took out student loans in order to go to college. Well, it's time to start paying them back. We hadn't realized it would be this soon! (Ah!) We owe combined about $30,000. Scary, huh? And the sad part about it is, that we had to stop going to school to support ourselves so at the moment, we have nothing to show for all our hard work and money.
The GOOD news: Heavenly Father loves us and if He brings us to it, He will bring us through it. I don't know how right now- but He does.

2. Last week I applied for an AMAZING job. Actually, it's my dream job! It's a position at Brockbank Elementary School in Spanish Fork, Utah. It's where my husband went to school! I would be an assistant in a Special Needs classroom. But, I haven't heard back and I am starting to get worried! I was so sure that I would get the position, I sent in my resume... and nothing! I know I am qualified for the job, now I just have to convince them.
The GOOD news: I am going to be assertive. This will be had for me since I'm pretty laid back and shy, but hey! I want this job, and I'm not going to let it slip past me!

3. DJ's mom had a seizure while visiting his grandma in St. George. She is back in the hospital.
The GOOD news:She is doing better! YAY!

4. I am still without insurance (And I've been having some pretty serious health concerns).
 The GOOD news: I will have insurance again one day. And then I am going to never let it go again!

5. Because of all that is going on, DJ and I are pretty stressed. Life is pretty hard right now.
The GOOD news: We have each other, and we love each other. We are surrounded by loving friends and family, and are watched over by a Father in Heaven who loves us. We are blessed more than we realize.

I am glad to look for the "Silver Lining" When I get bad news. It would be an even harder life if you didn't (Oh, and I saw this amazing quote the other day. It said: "If everyone were to throw all their trials in a pile, we would end up picking our own back up again after seeing what others go through" Okay so that's not an exact quote, but you get the gist! Hang in there!

Until next time,

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

LDS General Conference For Newlyweds

Dearest Readers,

My husband & I are members of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints. If you aren't a member, and would like to learn more about our church, we invite you visit:
General Conference is held every October & April, and takes place in Salt Lake City, Utah. Some attend the sessions, but most watch it via the internet, TV, etc... This is a time for strengthening our faith and being reminded of the promises and commitments that we have made.
I LOVE conference. It is such an uplifting time, and it brings such a comfort and joy.
But, sometimes I have to admit it's a little hard to pay attention to conference when you are watching or listening it out of the Conference Center.
There are many things to keep kids entertained... but what about adults? And how can you benefit from confernece? How do you prepare?
Well, I decided to plan a lesson on conference for FHE so we would be more prepared. And here is a little bit of my lesson:

After reading this quote from Spencer W. Kimball, I read 2 articles from:
1. President Uchtdorf's "3 Basic Steps Of Preparation"
2. "The Blessings Of General Conference" - Paul V. Johnsons
Then we watched
"General Conference Has Something For You"

When we were finished, we each made a commitment to fast & pray this week to receive answers to the questions and concerns we have. (Specially, for newlyweds: how to improve and strengthen your marriage.)

To help keep us enterainted in conference:
1. Take notes
2. Have "Conference" coloring pages, word puzzles, etc... Hey, why not?
3. We will have our friends & family over to watch/listen with us
4. We will have a wonderful meal before & after each conference (insentive for my husband). We can also have treats & snacks during conference
5. Turn off all electronic devices (other than the device we are using to listen/watch conference) so we aren't distracted
6. Whenever possible we will attend the sessions at the conference center
7. Go to the temple a few days before & after conference

And finally, when conference is over, we will go over our notes, discuss what we learned, and most improtantly we will think about what we will DO differntly because of what we learned.

And there you have it! Everyone can benefit from General Conference, take advantage of this wonderful blessing, and hopefully in the process you can strengthen your marriage.

25 Things To Do In The Fall

Dearest Readers,
It's fall now in Utah, my favorite season! And so DJ & I made a "bucket list" of things we wanted to do this fall. Making a "buket list" each season is a fun way to "date" in marriage. Making a list together of fun things you want to do, (and then checking them off so you remember to do them). Here our some of our ideas:

1. Go to a Pumpkin Patch 
2. Pick the Perfect Pumpkin
3. Carve & Decorate Pumpkins together
4.  Make Caramel Apples
5. Play in the leaves
6. Go on a nature hike
7. Collect leaves, save them 
8. Go to a football game 
9. Have a picnic in the Mountains, have a fire & have S'mores
10. Go to a Corn Maze
11. Make Halloween Costumes together
12. Take the siblings or cousins Trick-Or-Treating
13. Watch Halloween movies together & Cuddle
14. Throw a Halloween Party
15. Have a "Fall Photo Shoot" Together
16. Make Hot Chocolate, Pumpkin Cookies, & Homemade Soups
17.  Decorate the Apartment for fall
18. Go To Thanksgiving Dinners (Canadian & American with the family)
19. Write down reasons why we are thankful for each other
20. Discuss the blessings we have
21. Go to General Conference
22. Spend time with Family & Friends 
23. Go To Gardner Village to see the "Witches" Do the Scavenger Hunt
24.  Make "Leaf Art"
25. Go on a hay ride

6 Months & Uninsured

Dearest Readers,

Last week DJ hit his 6 month mark of working full time at Master Wall. I am so proud of my husband and the hard work that he does. He is such an amazing worker and a good provider for our family. And although it is wonderful that he hit a milestone at work, it also brings a bit of sadness.
So backing up-I've been insured through a great insurance company my whole life (No copay, 80/20 coverage, etc...) because my wonderful dad, (Craig) works for UPS. (He is also a very hard worker. He taught me how to work hard in this life, and is always putting 110% into everything he does).
But that all changed the day DJ hit his 6 month mark. He now qualifies for insurance through his company- But, it's VERY expensive, and we just can't afford it. So, when my insurance found that DJ now qualifies for insurance, they dropped me. Now I'm uninsured, and life just got a little scarier!

My analogy of going from insured to uninsured is like this:
I'm a tightrope walker. All your life, you have been walking across the tightrope, but you've had a net under you, that would protect you if you fell. Now, you don't particualry WANT to fall, but you know if you do, you will be okay. So, you continue on. You fall a few times, the net catches you, and you keep going. You soon get used to having the net, and think nothing of it. You may even take a few risks, but only because you know the net will be there to catch you if you fall.
Then, one day, they take your net away. You begin to worry, and to wobble. You know if you fall, it will be VERY hard to recover. And that's where I am now. Just trying to be ever so careful until the wonderful day when I get insurance back.
And when it does, I'm never letting it go again!