Tuesday, October 2, 2012

25 Things To Do In The Fall

Dearest Readers,
It's fall now in Utah, my favorite season! And so DJ & I made a "bucket list" of things we wanted to do this fall. Making a "buket list" each season is a fun way to "date" in marriage. Making a list together of fun things you want to do, (and then checking them off so you remember to do them). Here our some of our ideas:

1. Go to a Pumpkin Patch 
2. Pick the Perfect Pumpkin
3. Carve & Decorate Pumpkins together
4.  Make Caramel Apples
5. Play in the leaves
6. Go on a nature hike
7. Collect leaves, save them 
8. Go to a football game 
9. Have a picnic in the Mountains, have a fire & have S'mores
10. Go to a Corn Maze
11. Make Halloween Costumes together
12. Take the siblings or cousins Trick-Or-Treating
13. Watch Halloween movies together & Cuddle
14. Throw a Halloween Party
15. Have a "Fall Photo Shoot" Together
16. Make Hot Chocolate, Pumpkin Cookies, & Homemade Soups
17.  Decorate the Apartment for fall
18. Go To Thanksgiving Dinners (Canadian & American with the family)
19. Write down reasons why we are thankful for each other
20. Discuss the blessings we have
21. Go to General Conference
22. Spend time with Family & Friends 
23. Go To Gardner Village to see the "Witches" Do the Scavenger Hunt
24.  Make "Leaf Art"
25. Go on a hay ride