Tuesday, October 2, 2012

6 Months & Uninsured

Dearest Readers,

Last week DJ hit his 6 month mark of working full time at Master Wall. I am so proud of my husband and the hard work that he does. He is such an amazing worker and a good provider for our family. And although it is wonderful that he hit a milestone at work, it also brings a bit of sadness.
So backing up-I've been insured through a great insurance company my whole life (No copay, 80/20 coverage, etc...) because my wonderful dad, (Craig) works for UPS. (He is also a very hard worker. He taught me how to work hard in this life, and is always putting 110% into everything he does).
But that all changed the day DJ hit his 6 month mark. He now qualifies for insurance through his company- But, it's VERY expensive, and we just can't afford it. So, when my insurance found that DJ now qualifies for insurance, they dropped me. Now I'm uninsured, and life just got a little scarier!

My analogy of going from insured to uninsured is like this:
I'm a tightrope walker. All your life, you have been walking across the tightrope, but you've had a net under you, that would protect you if you fell. Now, you don't particualry WANT to fall, but you know if you do, you will be okay. So, you continue on. You fall a few times, the net catches you, and you keep going. You soon get used to having the net, and think nothing of it. You may even take a few risks, but only because you know the net will be there to catch you if you fall.
Then, one day, they take your net away. You begin to worry, and to wobble. You know if you fall, it will be VERY hard to recover. And that's where I am now. Just trying to be ever so careful until the wonderful day when I get insurance back.
And when it does, I'm never letting it go again!