Monday, July 29, 2013

July 23- July 26

Dearest Readers,

Looks like we have some catching up to do! On the 23rd of July, DJ surprised me (in a way) with tickets to the rodeo!!! being a city-girl, the rodeo was something that I had never done before, so I was excited to try something new. Before the rodeo, we put on our jeans, and shared a steak dinner. We got to the event a little early to watch little kids ride on sheep, which was pretty cute, and a few of the kids made it pretty far! Then we watched the guys ride on horses (My favorite) and then the bulls.

Although the Mein's probably won't be going to anymore rodeos, we actually had a pretty good time, and I'm glad I tried it! The next day was the 24th, which is a state day in Utah. DJ had the day off work, so we ran a few errands, and then made our way up to Salt Lake to spend the evening with family. We had a BBQ, and then we watched fireworks at the house.

I'm so lucky to be married to the most wonderful man in the world. He is always trying his hardest to make life more fun, and have us try new things together as a couple. I'm so blessed!


 -The Mein's

Monday, July 15, 2013


Dearest Readers,

Our weekend started off with a fancy date night to McGrath's in Sandy I had the Parmesan crusted halibut, which by the way- is the greatest culinary masterpiece EVER, and DJ had the Salmon and Clam Chowder. I love getting dressed up and going out for date night, we always have a really nice time.

During dinner, I got a call from mom, who knew we were coming up because I had asked if we could stop by when dinner was over. She said she had come by some free tickets to the Barry Manilow concert that night, and wanted to know if we would babysit my younger sisters. I said we would, so we finished up dinner and headed over to my parents house.
I was just finishing picking up a little around the house, mom and dad came back! The concert had been cancelled due to illness, so we chatted for a while and then left around 10 PM.

On Saturday, DJ mowed the lawn and washed the car, while I packed for our hike and did the laundry, and a few other household chores. Then we went to the grocery store to buy some supplies, and met up with our friends the Mitchell's around 5. We made our way up Payson Canyon to the Grotto Falls trail, and started the hike. It was a fairly moderate hike, but it was made a little more difficult from the rain which made the trail super muddy. The hike was a lot of fun, with lots of different paths to chose from, and lots of "bridges" to walk over. Soon, we were standing in front of the falls. It was beautiful!

When we got back to the car, we tried the best we could to wipe all the mud off, and then drove down to the spot where we set up "camp" My awesome husband was in charge of  getting the fire started, with the help of Jaden, while Rhiannon and I got the food together. We had roast, potatoes, and baby carrots, white rice with a chili/corn topping, dinner rolls, and fruit.

During dinner, it started to rain, but under the thick covering of the trees, we didn't feel it right away. Soon though, it came pouring down, drenching us, and extinguishing our fire. We quickly packed up the remaining items and left, in time to see a beautiful rainbow on our way back home.
Sunday was a beautiful and quiet day, though I wouldn't recommend having a BBQ in your church clothes! Before bed, DJ and I picked a Disney movie, since Disney is deemed "Sunday appropriate" here at the Mein's. We picked "Hercules"- I haven't seen that in a LONG time! Ah, memories of childhood!
Now, it's Monday and the weekend is over :( It always goes by way to fast!

But I'm looking forward to completing more of my novel this week, writing my missionaries back, and also getting more hikes in, in preparation for hiking the Y. I'm also excited to check out some new library books, and DJ and I have an appointment to view some apartments on Tuesday in Provo. This is going to be a great week, I'm looking forward to it.

Wishing You A Happy Monday! -The Mein's

Friday, July 12, 2013


Dearest Readers,

Is it just me, or has this week been a super LONG one?? But hey, THANK GOODNESS it's now Friday. I LOVE Friday! And, I also happen to love the rain! And today is a rainy Friday, so I'm one happy woman!

Unless I'm having a particularly good hair day, I love standing out in the rain, dancing in the rain, singing in the rain... You name it! And nearly every time it rains, I drag DJ out into the storm so we can dance around... I sometimes will even put on a love song, ours happens to be: "With Or Without You" by U2. It's become one of my favorite silly-romantic traditions of ours.

Anyway, during this long week, DJ and I went to the library to check out some new books. I'm working on L'Engle's works, and DJ got "The Great Gatsby" because I told him I didn't want him to see the movie until he had read the book!
After we had gathered up our books, I was rummaging through my library bag and I found my "nerd glasses", which I used a while back to dress up like Harry Potter.
DJ dared me to keep my nerd glasses on while I read my book. My glasses make me feel smarter, sure, but they certainly aren't very flattering!

I also downloaded some new book apps on my phone, and I'm excited to use them! one is a generator that gives you book suggestions based one what you've read before and liked. I think this will mean more trips to the library for us! I've also been working on finding some good books for DJ, because he's a little bit picky about what he reads.

This week we also saw the movie "Iron Man 3" again, because it's just that good. And how do you pass up a good dollar movie??

Well, we hope you have a safe and wonderful rainy Friday!
It's a good time to read a book! :)

Until next time

-The Mein's

Sunday, July 7, 2013

My First Letter From Hermana Harris

On Friday, DJ and I went to Texas Roadhouse for our date night- one of my absolute favorites-then we went to see the movie "Despicable Me 2" Even though the movie wasn't very deep, it was certainly made for little kids.... It was fun, because I seriously find both Despicable Me movies hilarious. It felt good to spend the night laughing like children. Sometimes it's good to just have a roll-on-the-floor laugh!

Saturday we spent in Provo looking for prospective apartments. All of the offices we stopped by were still closed for the 4th, but we were able to get some good names down, and there are a few apartments that I'm very excited about! I can't wait to have our own place again. It's been hard here, not having privacy, or much space. I've missed having a clean apartment, and I miss cooking for my husband! I can't wait to tear into our boxes and use my blender, or my grill. Have I mentioned my blender yet? And my crockpot??

Also on Saturday, I got my FIRST letter from Hermana Harris!!!!! She is at the MTC until August.  She is doing well, and it was so wonderful to hear from her. She says that she has been busy, and a little stressed, and nervous, and that there is a lot of information to take in. But she says that despite the hard work, she is glad she is there because she knows that is where she is supposed to be. I'm so proud of her, and though I keep picking up my cell to call her, or shoot her an email or message, and then realize she is gone- I know she is where she is supposed to be too. And I am so glad that I am able to stay connected with Hermana Canova, Hermana Harris, and Sister Cooper via letters and occasional emails. They are remarkable young ladies and I'm beyond blessed to know them.

On Saturday night, things got a little dreary when DJ started feeling sick and we had to drop our plans to go swimming or hike in Payson for a dutch-oven cookout and S'mores. He was up almost all night throwing up and he had a very high fever. Poor dear! I've been just hanging out on my own letting him rest, which is very hard to do when you are married! So because of that, it's been a very chill Sunday here, I've been enjoying the thunder and lightning outside, and cuddling with DJ and watching movies after dinner.

All I can hope is that DJ feels better soon, I don't like seeing other people in pain.
We will keep you posted!

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend

-The Mein's

Friday, July 5, 2013


Dearest Readers,

We hope you all had a safe and fun 4th of July! We sure did! We started off the morning very early with a parade in Provo. We took our cousins Quinton, Kira, and Jacey. It was one of the best parades I have ever been to, and even though it had a good turn-out, we were still able to get a spot to set up our blanket and watch the parade. The girls loved the princesses and the Miss Utah contestants, as well as the animals (Llamas and horses) that came through. Q liked the superheros, but he had "Seen better"costumes :) I liked the Princesses, and the Veterans, because when they rode through everyone stood up and started applauding, and a man in back of me shouted "Thank you!" It was such an overwhelming and wonderful sense of patriotism and American pride that I love to feel around this time of year.

After the parade, we made our way up to Sandy to spend the day with my parents, brother, and sisters. We had a water fight in the backyard, played in the sprinklers, and got each other soaked. It started off with teams, but it ended up as an "every-man-for-himself" kind of ordeal. After we changed, we helped get the table set and the food ready and we had an amazing "BBQ", courtesy of my wonderful mom. I hope one day to be as good as a chef as she is!

Before dinner, my family always says a prayer, and during this prayer, we prayed for the protection of our country, and for our leaders that they may make the right decisions in leading our country. We thanked God for everything that we have been given because of this country, and expressed our gratitude for our rights as US citizens. During dinner, my family quizzed each other on our knowledge of 4th-of-July trivia and American history. I was able to get a few questions right, like what country gave us the Statue of Liberty as a present, the answer to which is France, as a symbol of friendship between our two nations. I also was able to answer some questions about the Deceleration Of Independence, and The Boston Tea Party. We then went around and asked each other who our favorite US presidents were. Mine are Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan.

After dinner, we played games, then sat outside and talked while waiting for it to get dark. Then we set up our chairs in the front lawn, did sparklers, and watched our own neighborhood firework show. (My neighbors across the street accidentally had a firework shoot across the street and nearly set our next-door neighbors bush on fire) My dad even went and bought a few to set off, and let DJ help him, which in my family is an immense honor. I LOVE LOVE LOVE fireworks. I was in pure heaven the whole night as the night sky was lit up in beautiful shades of every color.

After the "GRAND FINALE" we packed up the car, thanked my family, and headed home.

I am SO grateful to be an American. I am grateful for my rights as a citizen, I am grateful for Freedom Of Speech, Freedom Of Religion and Woman's Rights. I am grateful for our founding fathers and the sacrifices made by the men and women who have put their lives on the line for America. I am proud to live in this country, to call it my home.