Monday, July 29, 2013

July 23- July 26

Dearest Readers,

Looks like we have some catching up to do! On the 23rd of July, DJ surprised me (in a way) with tickets to the rodeo!!! being a city-girl, the rodeo was something that I had never done before, so I was excited to try something new. Before the rodeo, we put on our jeans, and shared a steak dinner. We got to the event a little early to watch little kids ride on sheep, which was pretty cute, and a few of the kids made it pretty far! Then we watched the guys ride on horses (My favorite) and then the bulls.

Although the Mein's probably won't be going to anymore rodeos, we actually had a pretty good time, and I'm glad I tried it! The next day was the 24th, which is a state day in Utah. DJ had the day off work, so we ran a few errands, and then made our way up to Salt Lake to spend the evening with family. We had a BBQ, and then we watched fireworks at the house.

I'm so lucky to be married to the most wonderful man in the world. He is always trying his hardest to make life more fun, and have us try new things together as a couple. I'm so blessed!


 -The Mein's