Wednesday, August 21, 2013

It's Been A While!

Dearest Readers,

Okay, so I think we all agree that I'm the worlds worst blogger! For real.... But I have a good excuse, I promise! Last week I had a JOB INTERVIEW (gasp!) And I nailed it!!! Wahoo! I also had a few other job interviews after that one... And I'm still waiting to hear back on a couple more! Among that, I also started school... TODAY! I have a very full schedule. I'm telling ya I will be doing my school work for what looks like about 5-6 possibly 7 hours a day. Yep! I'll be busy. I also started doing a little craft business on the side planning out Family Home Evening lessons and assembling them in a cute binder to sell. It's doing pretty well! All in all, I haven't really had a moment to breathe since last week.

Lots of things are in the works right now with DJ and I. Big LIFE CHANGING THINGS!!! It's a roller-coaster ride of new jobs, apartments, schools, etc.. I feel like a whole new person! I don't want to say exactly whats happening right now, because I want to know the full plan, and things are always changing! But lets just say it was the best of weeks, it was the worst of weeks. It's been very emotional... And yes, I've cried, a lot.

DJ has been amazing though. He is my rock! I also am so grateful for the hand of the Lord in my life. At one point this week, face full of tears, dropped to my knees, I looked up to see a picture of Jesus on our window ledge, and I felt such an amazing feeling. Pretty much, I just said "Heavenly Father, I've done all that I can do. It's in your hands now, I'm giving you my life, tell me where to go/what to do." And with that, I felt a great sense of security. Thank HEAVENS that Heavenly Father can direct my sails, or I'd be lost in the ocean of not knowing what to do.

I feel his blessings in my life, in our life, and I am trying to make sense of many things that are happening right now. Life is funny, isn't it? But life is a beautiful mess, and I'm happy at the end of the day to be here.

Until next time,

The Mein's