Monday, September 30, 2013

An Update From The Mein Clan

Dearest Readers,

I'm sorry, once again, for the giant gap in-between posts! Things have been moving like crazy around here, and I'm just now getting a chance to catch my breath.

Basically here's what's been going on:

* I had to get a new HP laptop because my old one (lovingly referred to as "Dell-mator" passed on after about 5 years of faithful service)
* I have 5 awesome online classes that I'm taking through SLCC. I'm super busy with homework and readings, and I love it! School is awesome, and learning is great! (Just don't ask me how I feel during finals week)
* I've had I want to say... 6, job interviews, turned in WHO KNOWS how many applications and mailed off countless resumes and reference letters. My stud of a husband has been awesome and has helped me become more assertive with getting interviews.
* My last job interview at an Elementary School in Springville, Utah I thought was "The one" but they ended up hiring someone else, and I was VERY sad. I felt like Heavenly Father wasn't hearing my prayers.
* After I picked myself up (it took a few days) I've had 2 interviews for a job at a school in Provo that FLIPPIN ROCKS and I'm hoping to get it, I hear back from them on Thursday... I love the facility, the students, and even the office lady there!
* I officially think moving stinks
* My "baby" sister turns 16 today

So... first things first, my husband and I are all moved in and settled in our new apartment in Orem, Utah. We are loving it! We had our first dinner party with our friends The Mitchell's last night- I made my very first homemade bread, a roast, potatoes/carrots and a strawberry cheesecake for dessert. I felt like freakin' Martha Stewart! And my husband helped a lot with shaping the bread dough into dinner rolls and with the cheesecake. (My husband is pretty much the best at all things sweet) I also cleaned up the house a little before they came over and had a candle lit and everything! It was nice to have our friends over to thank them for everything that they have done for us!

Just to give you an idea of how amazing my amazing friend Rhiannon really is, after our car accident (a mild one, no worries) about a month ago, Rhiannon drove out to the car shop to pick DJ and I up, then took us home and fed us both dinner/dessert and then drove us home afterwards. She also came to help us move, help us set up, lent us a vacuum and tool kit, and drove me to one of my interviews. Rhiannon is the best friend a person could ask for. I love her for many reasons, one of which is her willingness to help a friend in need. I always say you can find out who your true friends are when it comes time to move :)

I also got really sick (I usually get some form of a cold/flu this time of year... last week. I had it during my interview, but covered it up pretty well. Then I was pretty useless for a couple of days until about Thursday when I started to feel good again. I still have a cough but I feel myself healing. But for a couple days DJ and I were both really worried! I was worried I would give it to him, and DJ was worried because I was having a hard time breathing. But I'm on the mends, and DJ did get a little bit of a head cold, but with all the OJ he drank and the Airborne he took, he was pretty much invincible.

DJ is just pluggin' along at work, he is such an awesome hard-worker. I just love him!

Tonight we are having Family Home Evening tonight for the first time in our new home, using the FHE binders I made. The lesson is on the blessings of paying tithing, and I'm making "Rich brownies" for dessert! I'm so excited to get started on the FHE tradition!

-Until Next Time....
