Friday, July 5, 2013


Dearest Readers,

We hope you all had a safe and fun 4th of July! We sure did! We started off the morning very early with a parade in Provo. We took our cousins Quinton, Kira, and Jacey. It was one of the best parades I have ever been to, and even though it had a good turn-out, we were still able to get a spot to set up our blanket and watch the parade. The girls loved the princesses and the Miss Utah contestants, as well as the animals (Llamas and horses) that came through. Q liked the superheros, but he had "Seen better"costumes :) I liked the Princesses, and the Veterans, because when they rode through everyone stood up and started applauding, and a man in back of me shouted "Thank you!" It was such an overwhelming and wonderful sense of patriotism and American pride that I love to feel around this time of year.

After the parade, we made our way up to Sandy to spend the day with my parents, brother, and sisters. We had a water fight in the backyard, played in the sprinklers, and got each other soaked. It started off with teams, but it ended up as an "every-man-for-himself" kind of ordeal. After we changed, we helped get the table set and the food ready and we had an amazing "BBQ", courtesy of my wonderful mom. I hope one day to be as good as a chef as she is!

Before dinner, my family always says a prayer, and during this prayer, we prayed for the protection of our country, and for our leaders that they may make the right decisions in leading our country. We thanked God for everything that we have been given because of this country, and expressed our gratitude for our rights as US citizens. During dinner, my family quizzed each other on our knowledge of 4th-of-July trivia and American history. I was able to get a few questions right, like what country gave us the Statue of Liberty as a present, the answer to which is France, as a symbol of friendship between our two nations. I also was able to answer some questions about the Deceleration Of Independence, and The Boston Tea Party. We then went around and asked each other who our favorite US presidents were. Mine are Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan.

After dinner, we played games, then sat outside and talked while waiting for it to get dark. Then we set up our chairs in the front lawn, did sparklers, and watched our own neighborhood firework show. (My neighbors across the street accidentally had a firework shoot across the street and nearly set our next-door neighbors bush on fire) My dad even went and bought a few to set off, and let DJ help him, which in my family is an immense honor. I LOVE LOVE LOVE fireworks. I was in pure heaven the whole night as the night sky was lit up in beautiful shades of every color.

After the "GRAND FINALE" we packed up the car, thanked my family, and headed home.

I am SO grateful to be an American. I am grateful for my rights as a citizen, I am grateful for Freedom Of Speech, Freedom Of Religion and Woman's Rights. I am grateful for our founding fathers and the sacrifices made by the men and women who have put their lives on the line for America. I am proud to live in this country, to call it my home.