Friday, July 12, 2013


Dearest Readers,

Is it just me, or has this week been a super LONG one?? But hey, THANK GOODNESS it's now Friday. I LOVE Friday! And, I also happen to love the rain! And today is a rainy Friday, so I'm one happy woman!

Unless I'm having a particularly good hair day, I love standing out in the rain, dancing in the rain, singing in the rain... You name it! And nearly every time it rains, I drag DJ out into the storm so we can dance around... I sometimes will even put on a love song, ours happens to be: "With Or Without You" by U2. It's become one of my favorite silly-romantic traditions of ours.

Anyway, during this long week, DJ and I went to the library to check out some new books. I'm working on L'Engle's works, and DJ got "The Great Gatsby" because I told him I didn't want him to see the movie until he had read the book!
After we had gathered up our books, I was rummaging through my library bag and I found my "nerd glasses", which I used a while back to dress up like Harry Potter.
DJ dared me to keep my nerd glasses on while I read my book. My glasses make me feel smarter, sure, but they certainly aren't very flattering!

I also downloaded some new book apps on my phone, and I'm excited to use them! one is a generator that gives you book suggestions based one what you've read before and liked. I think this will mean more trips to the library for us! I've also been working on finding some good books for DJ, because he's a little bit picky about what he reads.

This week we also saw the movie "Iron Man 3" again, because it's just that good. And how do you pass up a good dollar movie??

Well, we hope you have a safe and wonderful rainy Friday!
It's a good time to read a book! :)

Until next time

-The Mein's