Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Long Awaited Return

Dearest Readers,

Well, obviously I'm not the best at keeping up with blog posts! But no fear! We are alive and well! Just super busy... here are a few updates (That I can REMEMBER) for you to enjoy:

1. DJ's childhood dog- Cosmo- is missing! He was let out and didn't return home, and isn't at the pound. Not having many childhood pets before: (+1 for my fish Shady because it's not easy running away from a fish bowl!)  I'm just trying to do my best to relate to what he must be feeling. (There was one time that mom was cleaning Shady's bowl and he went down the garbage disposal for a second before being saved... so I did have a moment of sheer panic about a pet in that sense, but I digress) Many prayers have been said for his safe return and I just hope that he is alright.

2. I'm in shock that October is nearly over! I have to do a double-take at the calendar because I just don't believe it!
So far... DJ and I have completed this from our fall bucket list:

1. Made hot chocolate, snuggled, and watched movies (side note: The MOST important Halloween movie  is Hocus Pocus. If I DO NOT see it- it's NOT Halloween, period.)
2. Purchased our pumpkin. (Still waiting to carve it)

And this week we are going to complete:
1. Gardner Village
2. Caramel Apples
3. Cornmaze/Hayride
4. Our first Halloween Party
5. Making (Assembling) our costumes
6. Making our Halloween C.D.
7. Make (Buy, borrow from mom..) some Halloween decorations for our apartment (Thank goodness for my Hobby Lobby gift card and access to Pinterest so I can make some good ones!)

And next week:
1. Leaf art & playing in the leaves (Got to hurry before it snows!)
2. Nature Hike
3. Throw our own Halloween party

Overall, I'm feeling in the Halloween mood! (Poor DJ doesn't like Halloween so I'm trying to make it fun for him)

3. Sad news.... I got a call about the job I wanted. The positions (and most positions for that matter) are filled on the spot! The principal of the school says she gets TONS of applications from moms who have husbands that are out of work, and she likes to give them the upper hand. She said my resume looked good though, and told me to keep trying! (Sigh...) So I filled out an application to work at Alpine School District (This one is closer to us in Orem) and now I'm just waiting again!

4. To keep myself busy while unemployed, I: Do all the cleaning around the apartment, cook, write in my novel, do volunteer work, go to the temple, visit old friends, and to make a little extra money on the side I help clean and organize an amazing woman's home in Spanish Fork who has many health issues, AND I'm looking into starting a "business" on Etsy and selling Tutu's. I'll keep you posted- If I go through with it- I'd like to be open for business in December.

5. DJ and I hit the 5 month mark last week! It's hard to believe that next month we will have been married for 6 months! Geesh! Time goes by fast!

And there you have it, a little bit of updates from us.... Look forward to new posts because I'm going to try not to relapse! (oops)

Until next time,
