Friday, August 10, 2012

Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho It's Off To Work We Go

Dearest Readers,

We live in a difficult economic time. And I have certainly felt that this past year as I have struggled to find work. I have spruced up my resume, applied to hundreds of jobs, and waited. Many jobs I ended up being offered were far away (like an amazing offer I had to be a full time nanny in Lehi) and it was just to expensive to make the drive there and back everyday. So, I am still on the hunt, and waiting to hear back on several Special Education jobs in the Nebo school distict.
My dream job is to work at Taylor Elementary in Payson, Utah which is right next to my husbands work. It's a great school, and I'd love to be involved with the Special Education program there. I even applied for a volunteer position at the school.
And now, I'm just playing the waiting game! While I wait unemployed, I look for ways I can make some money. I babysit, clean, coupon to save on groceries, and use some money from my savings to help out each month. And for fun, I work on my novel. That's right! I'm writing a novel, and I have been for a while now. There is no guarantee it will get published, but I'm hoping it will one day become more than a story on my computer, and handwritten pages in a binder.
I also take care of the home. I do all the cooking and cleaning in the apartment so when DJ gets home, he comes home to a clean, beautiful place with a big hot meal on the table.
Even still, I often get lonely, and frustrated that I can't find work, but then I remember that marriage isn't supposed to be easy. And life certainly isn't easy, and never has been. And it's times like this one that can bring DJ and I closer together. 
Hopefully, something will turn up soon, and I have faith that it will. I have put faith in Heavenly Father and trust that he will help me along. And until then, I am more than grateful for DJ's job at Masterwall. DJ works at a warehouse in Payson, making stucco. His company is wonderful, and has been very good for us. I am glad that my husband has such an amazing job. It's not the most glamourous, but it pays the bills, and its a rewarding job to have.
Only time will tell if DJ will stay at his company, or return to school and get his degree in Communications. But for right now, DJ is doing well and moving up in the company. And with some hard work, I'll become a teacher in a few years, and land my dream job. But until then, we will work hard and save up for our future, which will hopefully be a bright and happy one.