Sunday, August 5, 2012

DJ's Wedding Day Story

I remember our wedding day like it was yesterday. And it started off horrible for me. I could not catch an hour of sleep to save my life the night before, so I was more than exhausted due to my lack of sleep and also an increase in nervousness and excitement.
I remember as I was getting ready at about 5 AM that I noticed water on the floor of my bathroom. Which alone sounds very odd and out of place for such a story. But I remember looking at it, and being very puzzled as to why it was there. I came to the realization that the bottom of my toilet bowl was leaking. Out of any day, hour, or moment, it picked my wedding day.
So to start the day I pulled out the tools I received as a birthday gift from Tay's dad, and began the process of trying to fix the leak. It didn't work, out of severe lack of sleep I just shut it off and decided to deal with after the honeymoon. Again, may seem out of place for this story. But it was a sign to me that today was a day where I had to choose to not let the little things get in my way of being happy. 
After the morning incident I finished packing and getting everything together. Multiple times. I feared forgetting something, and today was a day I knew I couldn't forget anything. The time finally came, and I got in the car and drove up to Salt lake to pick up my clothes from Taylor's house.
I wasn't allowed to see my bride before we were sealed together. So as I arrived to Taylor's house I was greeted by Rhiannon, who handed me my things and sent me on my way.
This led to me deciding to try and find a store or somewhere where I could change. I couldn't really think of any seeing as I am still somewhat new to the area of Sandy. So I ended up taking the strangest route to the Salt Lake temple I could ever imagine. In fact I could not redo the route I took if I tried.
Anyways, I finally got to the temple and decided to park below the Joseph Smith Memorial Building where our Luncheon was to be held after the wedding. I then got my things together and made my way for the temple entrance. Come to find out (and this is a great lesson for all of you non married men) Girls take a very long time to get ready. And the words "on time" actually means "when I show up".
I waited, and waited, and then called to no avail. Finally my bride arrived and we checked in. We were really doing this, we were about to be married. After my nerves had calmed that was I was being left by a runaway bride (crazy thoughts happen as you wait, and wait, and wait.)
We were escorted into the temple where we were happily married. It's not appropriate to mention the sacredness of the temple ceremonies, but just know, it went great. And yes, I did screw up the kiss your bride part (story for another day). 
After the wedding was over we did the ritual of taking pictures. I am not one who finds enjoyment in picture taking. But as I learned that very morning, I had to choose to not let the little things get in my way. So I forced myself in finding some enjoyment, and it actually turned out to be not nearly as bad as I thought. Although, the same can not be said for my bride Taylor, (who had shoe & dress malfunctions)
The picture time came and eventually went.
And it was time that I had been most nervous about, the luncheon. The luncheon was a thorn in my side for a very long time to get set up just right. And I had feared of how it would turn out. There was the issue of the food, where people would be sitting, and oh yeah, I was the center of attention on the head table. The food and people turned out to be just fine with no issues to speak of.
Now if you don't know who I am. This next part will mean nothing to you, but I found to courage within me (just like my drive here, I have no idea how I found it) and I stood up to give my wedding speech, and I was more shocked that I was making words that made sense, let alone that they were still coming out in English due to my heightened nervousness. I got out what needed to be said, and then sat down. 
I did it with a smile on my face and I somehow lived to tell the tale. 
The night moved forward and the reception time arrived. It was a standard little reception, but it was very much the best I could of imagined it. The receiving line was not as bad as predicted. And the food that was served was divine. But my worst fear was before me, dancing.
I. Don't. Dance. Period. But somehow, I managed to find a way to dance that didn't result in a broken toe or needing to have a hip replacement.
 Maybe it was the fact I was exhausted for the long day, maybe it was the fact that I was being watched by many, many people. Or maybe (and I think its this one) it is because I was able to stare in to the eyes of my beautiful wife, and I knew the little things like dancing didn't matter, and I just let go of all my fear, and I danced, and have an amazing time.
The reception wrapped up pretty soon after I smeared my wife with cake. And I mean smeared ( I still am finding pieces in her hair). And we left with a bang through a line of sparklers into a recently vandalized car. Off to enjoy the sights of Southern California. 
My wedding day was not even close to being the biggest, the loudest, or the most expensive. But I got more out of it than I deserved. I got a bunch of great new family members, amazing wedding gifts, and most important, a beautiful wife who loves me for who I am.