Thursday, May 2, 2013

I've Got The Month Of May... And Spiders

Dearest Readers,

In case you've lost your calenders...It's May! WAHOO! I can hardly believe that it's May already!
And how am I celebrating? Sadly enough, it's by being sick :( Yes folks, my dear sweet husband has gone and spread his man cold on to me. He is so good at sharing! But I forgive him :) Mostly because I'm a HORRIBLE wife and I haven't made my "Man Cold Survival Kit" yet. But I will. Today. If I feel up to it! And I will, of course, post pictures.

And although I fail at being a cutesy wife this week as far as sending my man off with a special little lunch, I did manage to still take care of my husband, by nursing him back to health. When he got home on Tuesday, I tucked him into bed and brought him OJ, took his temperature every half hour because I felt like I could have used his body to heat the oven! His temperature stayed at around 100+ degrees, and I felt like if it went any higher, I would have made him go to InstaCare, just to be safe. I gave him some meds to break the fever, and he was back down to 99 ish, and then down from there. I also brought him some special fruit punch (filled with Airborne...shh...) cough-drops, pills, tissues, throat spray, and ice-packs, and wouldn't let him watch sports, but insisted he slept. (I'm a mean nurse!) I also used Village Therapy Cold & Allergy body wash, which I just have him smell, and it clears up his nose. It's great in baths/showers too. It works really well! I bought it at Walmart a while back for under $5.00 (DJ calls it my Voodoo magic)

By the end of the night, I'm happy to report that my man was feeling a lot better. Work was really busy for him, finishing the rush-order they had from China. When he got home last night (Wednesday) we went to grab something for dinner, came home, and got in bed. He was feeling sick again, poor thing, and I was sneezing and my nose was running like crazy. Getting ready for bed, I saw a strange shadow cast on the light I had just turned on, and then a spider scampered across the ceiling (Do spiders scamper?? Well, if not, this one did! My husband tried to catch it with a tissue, but he wasn't for sure if he got it or not (He didn't tell me.. How kind) We then turned on our show, cuddled, and tried to relax.


I felt something crawl on my leg. I thought it was just a tingle, but when I checked to make sure, sure enough, there it was: A HUGE spider. I rolled over my husband and off the bed screaming "There's a spider in the bed!!!" my husband tried to get it with one of his tissues (Poor dear) But it got away and slipped in the little space between the bed and the wall.

(Oh, quick back story.... When we first moved in with my mother-in-law, I was cleaning the house when I noticed a spider-sac on the ceiling, without thinking I SPRAYED it with my cleaning spray and the spider fell out of its sac and onto the blanket bellow. I trapped it in a cup (pretty heavy glass cup, turned upside down) and waited for my husband to get home from work for lunch. While waiting downstairs, I noticed a few more spiders, and ran upstairs. My husband came straight up to get me and we went out to get a bite and came back. I went upstairs again, and a few minutes later he came to tell me he couldn't find the spider. With a puzzled look I said, "Hunny, there is a huge one in a cup, on the floor. How could you miss that??" Men..

Well when I came down to show him the cup, I was horrified. The cup was overturned! YES OVERTURNED my friends, the spider was no-where to be seen. While we were gone, Vera (The other spider, and there was probably a few more involved) came down from their webs to rescue WIGGLY JOE (The leader spider, the one I trapped in the cup) Yes, there was a spider revolution. And Wiggly Joe was freed. My husband eventually found a few in webs and killed a few spiders, then he stayed to get estimates on exterminators and to help me pick up the mess so it would be harder for W. Joe and his followers to hide.

Now, fast forward to last night.. What might have happened is when DJ tried to catch the spider in his tissue, he'd knocked it onto the bed and it had been there the whole time (Oh, my gosh... feeling weak at the knees) or there was more than one spider... or, well, I don't know. I was on some cold meds, but I don't think we both could have hallucinated about the same thing.

So, my husband took apart the bed (mostly because our bed is old, and the beams holding it up shift out of place and crack a lot, and mostly because we wanted to find DAISY (the new spider) and remove her. Good news: We fixed the bed. Bad news: Daisy wasn't to be found. I was petrified to get back in bed, until exhaustion set in. I did wake up a lot though and check for a tingly sensation. Now I'm typing this, still in the room, still slightly freaking out.. spiders are not my strong suit.

But other than the spider run-in, I'm happy that it's May! I hope the weather warms up soon. Oh, and my anniversary is coming up soon! Wahoo! Until then, I must be on guard for Daisy.

Farewell for now!

The Mein's