Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Man Cold

Dearest Readers,

Things have slowed down a little bit around here, if just for a moment! DJ is feeling sick today :( And he felt sick the past few days as well, poor thing coughed all night and has a sore throat. I hate seeing him sick! It makes me feel helpless.

So that's why it's been a little slow. Reading books, snuggling up, watching our TV shows and movies, (Here Comes The Boom, and The Hobbit- we got for FREE at Redbox... We both LOVE The Hobbit, haven't watched the other one yet...I'll let you know what we think.

What I hate about man colds, is that my once tough, rugged, strong, fearless man is reduced to a drowsy ball of sniffles, coughs, and sneezes. And by the look of things, you'd think he were on his death bed! Oh, man colds... I guess we should have seen the sickness coming though, Monday of last week we had dinner with DJ's family who was sick, and it kind of spread from there. Gotta love the family grapevine of DISEASE!
But what can you do? Getting sick is a part of life! So now I'm loading him up with OJ, soup, cough-drops, and rest. It's a busy time with DJ's work, they are dealing with an order from China now, so he can't take any sick days. The best I can do is try to help out my poor sneezy man with some good old-fashioned love.

So today (well tonight...) I'm making my husband a "Man Cold Survival Kit" to stick in his lunch bag. I'll post pictures tomorrow, or when I get around to it, as it's not quite finished. I did it once before when my husband was suffering through a man-cold, and he seemed to like it, so I thought I'd try it again.

The kit includes cough-drops, a mini bag of tissues, a love note, soup (or whatever meal you have prepared for your man), Daytime cold medicine, Vicks Vapor Rub (small tube), Airborne tablets, and a carton of OJ or another type of juice packed with Vitamin C. It also includes (as a joke) emergency numbers to call in case his cold worsens. Something to make you laugh, as that is the best medicine!

Other than that... not much to report!

Until next time,

The Mein's