Thursday, April 25, 2013

Taylor's Summer "Resolutions"

In January, I made the oh-so-typical list of things I wanted to accomplish for the next year. But this year, I didn't just write down a bunch of things on a slip of paper and leaving it neglected in my sock drawer to be found in 2015, I typed it up and made it a post.

So here is an update of my resolutions: I went to EVERY single basketball game of my husbands this season. I am so proud of him and his team! They did amazing. I even went to a few practices! I love my husband as his detication to pass on his love of sports to others.

DJ and I are going to start reading our scriptures together every night. I keep a personal journal, and pray at least once a day. I watched all of conference, and I'm pretty sure DJ and I are going to both be getting callings in our new ward. 

Now that the weather is warming up, I'm excited to get out and walk/jog on the track just down the street from the house where we are staying. I need to get some songs on my i-pod and gear up!

And now, I have some SUMMER resolutions I'd like to complete starting in MAY and ending the last day of AUGUST:

1. I want to keep getting fit, which should include 30-90 minutes a day of exercise other than my housecleaning, so either walking, jogging, swimming, biking (I need a bike first...) so that I can HIKE TO THE TOP OF THE "Y" on Y mountain in Provo, by the end of the summer. I also want to practice hiking the way, each time, adding a little bit more.

2. I want to read my scriptures everyday with my husband. I want to take notes, and study the scriptures. I want to create a "Scripture wall" where I write out our favorite scriptures to display. I also want to prepare myself to receive my patriarchal blessing.