Thursday, May 23, 2013

Dinner With My Best Friends

Dearest Readers,

A lot has happened since the 15th! Let's get filled in, shall we?  Friday, May 17th was my FIRST OFFICIAL DAY AS AN OLD(er) LADY! I met up with my super wonderful, super awesome, and amazing friends Rhiannon and Rachel.

(Little back story: I met Rhiannon when I moved to Sandy in the 9th grade. After a few months, we were best friends. I'm really close with Rhiannon's family too, her younger sister and older sister, as well as her parents, mostly. But also her nieces too.. I'm practically an adopted Bennett, really. And I met Rachel in 9th grade as well, in homeroom. We went to high school together and shared in memories of being locker partners and singers in an choir group that toured in New York City. And Rachel and Rhiannon know each other because they were roommates together at BYU! So we are pretty close.

Anyway, we had dinner at Olive Garden. So, why does that make me an old lady?
 Answer: When I picture older women getting together, they are always having lunch (or dinner) together and chatting. Now granted, these women in my picture have on pearls, grandma dresses, billowy sun hats, lacy gloves, and they make small chat while they pass around a tea cup and talk like Maggie Smith. And we didn't do that, sadly. But we did sit, and we ate. In a fancy restaurant (Well, fancy to me anyway..) and we talked about life. It was amazing fun, but it made me feel old. I don't know why, maybe it was because we aren't in middle school or high school anymore. We aren't even freshmen at College. Two of us are married now, and one of us is going off to serve a mission for the church. Or maybe it's because I'm married now, with a husband, and maybe it was because we were celebrating our 22nd Birthdays....

Old. Old. Old. might as well pass me the prune juice!

So I arranged the celebratory dinner at Olive Garden with the three of us to celebrate LOTS of events unfolding in our lives (Mostly their lives, actually...) And not necessarily for me to feel old.
Those events are:

Rhiannon just graduated BYU with her Bachelor's degree, and has a "big girl job" up in Sandy. I am so proud of her! She is living in BYU housing still with her husband, Jaden, while he finishes up school.
It was ALSO her 22nd Birthday on Mother's Day.

Rachel is going on a MISSION in June, and we will be missing her 22nd Birthday that's in August. She is so excited to go,and has been busy preparing. When she returns, she will go back to BYU and earn her degree. Did I mention how proud I am of her????

Taylor (That's ME) I'm celebrating my one-year anniversary with DJ!!!!! and my 22nd Birthday is June 22, right before Rachel leaves, so we might not be able to celebrate it then. 

So yes! We exchanged gifts, stories, and laughs, and had a really good dinner! I had  THE BEST pasta, and soup, the only problem is I don't remember what it's called, and the waiter laughed at me a little when I tried to pronounce it. Okay, so I need to brush up on my Italian.

-The Mein's